Will a Robot Take My Job? Study Predicts Increased Demand for Lawyers and Librarians Through 2030 | Dewey B Strategic

I am an optimist by nature and I have remained skeptical of  dark forecasts which predict the future based on one dominant trend  (AI comes to mind) while ignoring multiple factors that are likely to moderate or change an expected trajectory.  Imagine my surprise and delight to read about a  recent study on the future ofContinue reading “Will a Robot Take My Job? Study Predicts Increased Demand for Lawyers and Librarians Through 2030 | Dewey B Strategic”

Will Bots Disrupt the Legal System?

Think the practice of law is insulated from economic disruption by artificial intelligence?  Check out the DoNotPay chatbot and – gulp! – think again. A few years ago, a teenager in London racked up over 30 parking tickets. Rather than simply pay the tickets, Joshua Browder sat down, hammered out some programming code, and invented what manyContinue reading “Will Bots Disrupt the Legal System?”

Link Roundup – October

Bulk Downloads of Congressional Data Now Available At the ProPublica Data Store, users can download information on all of the bills introduced during each Congressional session in a single file. Twice a day, ProPublica generates this zip file containing metadata for every bill introduced in the current congress, including the sponsors and cosponsors the bill,Continue reading “Link Roundup – October”